Monday 28 March 2011

Evaluation of my thriller opening: Question 4

Who would be the audience for your media product? 

The main audience for my thriller film is 16-24 year old, white British people. This is due to the characters within the film; they’re all within this youthful age group and ethnicity. Because of this, audiences of this age group may be able to relate to the attitudes, behaviours and opinions communicated by the characters.
Female audiences may also relate to my thriller because of the positive, strong representation of women intended by the character “Scarlet Fraser”. Evidence for such effects on audience is present for Niels Oplev’s film “The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo”, in which the greatest demographic is for females under 18.

Ratings by users on IMDB

This demographic in particular are attracted to this film because of the positive representation it provides for them, of strong, powerful and intelligent. It is this same demographic that would be most attracted to my thriller. 

1 comment:

  1. Appropriate comments but your discussion as in question 3 is undeveloped.
