Wednesday 30 March 2011

Evaluation of my thriller opening: Question 7

Question 7: Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

Since the preliminary task, I have progressed a great deal in the making of my full product. In regards to the performing and shooting, what I have most learnt since the preliminary task is the planning. When planning for the full product, I was much more thorough in planning the details of the shoot.
As well as this, the shooting of the film progressed a lot from the shooting of the preliminary task. The group put a lot more time into the shooting, and was more aware of the time in which we shot the scenes as well as the control over the environment (noise level of other people/ cars, amount of other people around etc). This was because of the problem with background noise that we had during the shooting of the preliminary task.
The editing of the full product progressed considerably since the preliminary task. I used the effects that the software offered to much greater affect, and appropriately to reinforce the thriller genre. I was able to adjust sound levels, colour and length of clips more than I was when editing for the preliminary task.
I’ve learnt that working in a group produced much more ideas than working alone. When one person in the group suggested an idea, the rest of the group were able to produce similar ideas or develop that idea. This is one of the main benefits that I discovered about working in a group. I found that this helped a great deal when coming up with the original ideas, the planning, and identifying an appropriate soundtrack. I did, however, learn that working within a group meant that decisions took longer to make as it had to be agreed with by the entire group, and this elongated working time.
My individual contributions to the planning were some of the ideas in the storyline, identifying the locations, the creation of the shot list, the character designs and the costume designs. To the shooting of the film, I contributed to most of the camerawork and the directing. I produced my own version of the final edit, separate from the other 2 members of the group, and so I decided upon my own narrative structure, which shots to use, the cutting of shots, the sound adjustment, the transitions, colour and shot-stretching effects, and the addition of a flashback scene. 

1 comment:

  1. A basic response and probably rather rushed. You neglected to include how you learned about the 18 degree rule, using sound, titles, specfic transitions in the edit, casting actors, using a blog and so on. Too little references to your preliminary task and to the main production.
