Wednesday 30 March 2011

Evaluation of my thriller opening: Question 6

Question 6: What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
I have developed my technological knowledge considerably during the process of creating my film. Before, I had rarely used digital film cameras and so this new experience enhanced my knowledge of the technologies. I discovered how different it is to use digital film cameras to using still cameras, both in the way they work and the photographic effects they create. Aspects of the camerawork I’ve learnt from this experience are: modes of use, replaying footage, using the tape, using the camera with the computer.
I’ve also learnt a great deal about camera angles, shot types and movement of the camera. In particular, I’ve discovered how effective tilt shots can be in creating a distorted and confusing image, such as this shot from “The Third Man” which connotes disorientation and a kind of vertigo, thus placing the audience with the character. 

I used this same shot type to the same affect. The tripod, as part of the equipment, aided with this shot.
I’ve learnt a great deal about editing films from this project. I learned the importance of sequencing shots to create the narrative structure, as I used this a lot to change and develop the original narrative structure.  I also learned how to cut the shots I used to make them fit into the sequence and to create a better effect. Using different effects is another aspect that I learned a lot about, such as using transitions and changing the colour of the footage, as well as the addition of slow-motion of certain shots. I also learned where it is best to use these effects within the film. I learned how to adjust the sound within the film, which was particularly useful to me when dealing with different sound mixes such as the loudness of the skateboard and the beeping of the buttons. I learned that I could put points within the shots in which I could adjust the volume without having to adjust the volume of the entire clip. Adding music to the film was another point that I learned.
 Adding titles to the film was important. I learned where to place them on the image, how long they should last for, the colour and font of the writing and which information was important to add (such as cast names and director). 

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